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Upgrade to a Fireball table ↗️
Fireball Heavy Duty Tables combine the strength of 25 mm thick top and sides used for heavy duty tables with the more finely spaced 50 mm grid you find on light to medium duty tables.
Choose your table ‣Get Fireball Fixtures for your 16mm table 👇
Already have a table and not looking to upgrade to a 19mm Fireball table? No problem!
You can still enjoy our high-quality fixture system, designed to fit perfectly with your 16mm table.
Fixture Kits for your 16mm Table
Get your work done faster with our Square Kits! ⚡️
Gear up with squares to be ready for your next projects. Most fabricators go for the Fabricator Packages 🤫 For even greater versatility, have a look at the Magic Pack Plus!
Choose your kit ‣